Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The New (ab)Normal

Not always true, but if you're lucky...they will, more often than not.
I'm one of the lucky ones.
By far.

Now the world is (suddenly) seemingly going to hell in a hand cart.

Blacks are the enemy! They are looters and thugs. It's almost like America is collectively forgetting the past several hundred years.

I haven't.
 And I won't.

With absolutely every single trial and financial tribulation my family has been through the past ten years, it pales in comparison. Pun intended (if only to sting your conscience)

There will never be anyone who can tell me, ever, as a woman,...what to do to my body.

And don't even mention the government trying to mandate you wear a face mask in public??

Number one, they shouldn't have to.
It's called common sense.

Number two, are you seriously doubting scientific facts, calling medical data bunk?

I assure you COVID 19 doesn't belong to any political party, but's willing to cling to any...and does.

On top of that, we seem to have no problem with snatching infants, toddlers and young children from  parent's arms as they attempt to cross into this country for a better life, then lock those kids in cages...
literally, and send the parents back home like they've done something wrong?!

Love is the missing ingredient, with kindness being the tool to get there.

Til next time, 

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