Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Time Moves On

I've had to really limit myself on nation FB.
The political infighting is bad enough, but the COVID hoax/
conspiracy/mind control/ taking away your rights/masks don't help, is too over the top for me to handle.
It makes me furious.

What if a surgical team refused to wear masks when they opened you up for an operation?
They wear them because they keep you from infection.
In other words, they do work.
People in China have been wearing masks in public for as long as I can remember.
It's. Not. That. Hard.

Do I enjoy wearing one?
Certainly not, but I wouldn't think  of going out in public without one.
I leave the house for essentials only, about twice a week.
I mask up before getting out of my car, and sanitize my hands on the way out the door with my groceries. Once in my car, I sanitize them again after taking off my mask.
Once I'm back home I wash my hands with soap and water immediately.

I follow this same routine every single time  I leave our driveway in the car.
And so should you.
 You should also be ashamed of yourself if you don't, or won't  wear a mask.
Science is real.

The fact that over 131,444 Americans have died in less than four months should give you pause.
That's a small city...wiped out.
That's more lives lost than in the Vietnam war.

Then to add insult to injury, the president commuted the sentence of a convicted felon (friend of his) who was found guilty on charges of making false statements, witness tampering, and obstruction...because the felon felt prison couldn't keep him safe from COVID19.

Then this happened.

Are you absolutely freaking kidding me??

I am so grateful all three of my kids are grown.
I'm pretty sure parents and teachers are pretty much freaking out.
I know I would.

Here's my complaint.
If we'd all worn  masks consistently, since it was first suggested, we'd be a lot further down the road to total recovery.
Another true fact.

I've had to delete about fifty people from my FB feed the past week or so.
Some of their comments were so offensive and way over the line of  being racist.

Someone recently took this yard sign from beside our mailbox.
 I was actually surprised it didn't happen sooner.
My daughter ordered it off Amazon.
Some of my neighbors commented how much they loved it. A lot of neighbors rode by slowly, obviously reading it.
Who's to say if they liked it or not?

It really didn't matter much to me.
Our yard.
Our sign.
Our opinion.

Someone took it on the Fourth of July, sometime after dark.

A neighbor spotted it in a trash pile on a cul de sac where no houses are built (yet)... a place where stupid people dump their stupid crap instead of disposing of it the right way.
And we live in middle of a nature preserve, for Pete's sake!!
Side note: You really can't fix stupid.

Even my husband, who rarely talks politics with me (crazy us; we often differ) said it was most probably an adult, not a kid...and I completely agree.
(See, we do agree sometimes!)

I promptly put it back out, a little beat up and bent, this time on the inside of our fence, but still getting its message across.
Whatever kind of person that took it out of my yard, is the exact type of person we were (are) addressing.
And  will continue to address.

How can you be against any of what the sign says, and still call yourself a compassionate person...
much less a Christian? (which most all seem to brag and claim to be)

I know I shouldn't let the haters bother me, and they certainly don't deserve my attention.
But as they catch my eye while I scroll through the cyber drivel, it hurts me to my soul.

What is wrong with loving every single person for the person they are?
And who are you to say they are wrong in their choice?

I guess I missed that memo.

Because the last time I checked, we all bleed the same.
We all breathe the same.
Every. Single. One. Of. Us.

My God (no pun intended) it really that hard to understand?

Love is much more pleasant than hate.
Can we all at least agree on that?

And don't forget about that Karma train steaming its way back into your life's station at this very moment.
Live your life the way you want to be remembered.
I try to.
I don't always get it right, but at least I try.

Till next time, COTTON

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