Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Flintstone Vs Jetson

Massey is most definitely a Jetson.

I'm half Flintstone half Clampett.
(not a good combo in this techno world) 

At least I still weigh the same as I did in high school (and was slim then) have a somewhat sassy hair do, and even luckier...have a daughter still living with me who knows every thing I don't.

When we were in the process of buying our new home, I'm quite sure Tim and I were the water cooler funny story every morning at the mortgage lenders' office.

It took me twenty minutes to open an attachment the first time they sent one to me.
The process of e-signing it took an additional hour of trial and error, followed by fifteen more minutes of figuring out how to send it back.

Yeah, these are me.

Heck, I still go through a book of stamps in less than two weeks, and that's not counting bills. Texting is okay for a rapidly needed response and I'm fine with e-mailing too but would much rather sit down usually (pretty much always) at night, with a glass of wine and my favorite pen and paper. 

It's a challenge to me.
Sometimes I have to think of, or search for the exact word, to convey via pen and paper the feeling or emotion I am wanting to get across.

It's exhilarating to me to think that maybe people who receive something from me snail mail, actually get it  (my exact feeling) simply from the way I express it on paper, with an ink pen none the less!

Technology and money are both over rated if you ask me.
Unfortunately living in 2019 for me, requires both.

I've never seen a movie before I've read the book. Same with Game of Thrones. Read every book, lost interest after season two on HBO.
Loved the books though!

Words are powerful, when chosen and used wisely.

There's nothing more relaxing and satisfying to me, than sitting down with pen and paper... and expanding on life, my own experiences or maybe someone elses... beyond all texting, e-mailing and social media... and forwarding that to someone... for them to literally open with their hands after retrieving it from their mailbox and read it.

My message is one you can actually have and keep  in your possession. 
You can keep it for as long as you want. (without ever having to  click and  save)

As humans, we need to reach out more to each other, in a physical way.

Whether it be a nod to let someone else go ahead in front of you, or a smile to enjoy anothers' moment you simply happen upon and witness, as it occurs.

Sometimes, people just need a hug.

Life is a heck of a lot more than copy and paste.

Live your moment.

Til next time ...COTTON

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