Friday, April 20, 2018

There But By The Grace Of God, Goes Any One Of Us

I don't want to jinx anything but life has been going pretty well for me. We've had to extend our lease in the tiny rental house but I'm okay with's only temporary and our landlord treats us well.

I'm finally making pretty good money and beginning to build up my savings again (albeit) slowly.

...That's my mantra.

We were all devastated over losing our Charlie...

But the ole guy had a good life with us for almost fourteen years and went peacefully when his time came. We all still talk about and miss him, but at least now it makes us smile when we do.

This was the last picture we ever took of Sir Charles, at the vets office the day he left this world.

                                                             Love is a four legged word.

Life goes on...

A co worker recently got fired from the restaurant. Unfortunately it was warranted; the write ups had been made and the warnings had been given. It still kinda sucks though, for him. The guy had (has) some problems. Fighting your demons is never easy.

Been there done that as well. Maybe in a different way but everyone has demons to battle. Winning the battle is what matters more.

I was off the day it happened. Massey sent me a text while she was working . One of her besties who works with me, told Massey about it, who in turn  relayed the message to me at home. (modern technology)

My heart sank for the guy.

Yeah, he was already riding the struggle bus...which also unfortunately was the only mode of transportation he currently had.

A while back he and I knocked heads during a shift we worked together but a few days later I  felt bad about dogging him out so went to Barnes and Noble to buy him a couple of books I thought may help him figure it all out.

Nothing is better than the written word.

First and most importantly, no one can help you until you want to help yourself, so I bought him a copy of  'The Alchemist'.

One of the greatest, most insightful and inspiring books I've ever read. It can be interpreted differently by every individual who reads it and is true literary art.

I was almost headed to the checkout line with the book when I turned around and asked a young woman where to find another book I thought might help him.

I know there was a big hoopla about parts of it being fiction instead of non fiction after it skyrocketed to a best seller but was still a pretty intense read.

I remember when I read it.

My son Zach (then a freshman in high school) asked me what it was about?  He read it next. Then asked me if he could give it to a girl he knew so she could read it as well to help her with her own struggles?

I don't care if James Frey embellished or took liberties. I care that his book makes a difference for readers.

My friend at work still struggled but seemed to be struggling in the right direction and was greatly appreciative of the books.

On the other hand, bosses have a business to run and the kid was habitually late, and I'm not talking about minutes. He eventually got canned for being almost two hours late for work when a friend didn't show up to give him a ride and he had to walk.

So what can 'I' do now?

First I sent him a message and told him to let me know if he needed anything at all. A week later I loaned (gave) him forty bucks to keep his cell phone on. You can't get a new job if they can't call you back.

Then I started thinking about how well my own life was going now, after such a dismal start here in O town.

There's a pawn shop next door to the Big Lots where I shop. They always have about twenty bikes chained out front. I wandered over there today and found a pretty decent ten speed mountain bike for forty bucks.

It took the guy at the pawn shop twenty minutes to finagle it into my tiny car and drove home with the brake handle stabbing me in the back of my neck, but first went into Big Lots next door and bought a couple of rain ponchos. It rains almost every day here during the summer months, but luckily usually only for about five minutes.

I sent the kid (he's the same age as my youngest son) a text telling him I'd bought a used bike for him and would have it dropped off at his house the next day.

Appreciative doesn't begin to describe how he reacted. He acted as if I had gone out and bought him a brand new car.

I took the bike with me to work the next day. Another server who is friends with him as well said she would absolutely be glad to take the bike by his house after our shift. Her car is much bigger than mine and she got off way before me. She stopped by Walmart and bought him a bicycle lock first. Poor kid, with his luck some numbskull would probably ride off on it the very first time he parked it anywhere without being locked up.

The guy actually cried when he found out I had bought him a form of transportation. He called me a saint. I told him that was borderline laughable and was only doing what friends do for each other. He said he would pay me back the forty bucks on Friday when he got his last paycheck and for the bike as soon as he was working again. I told him both were gifts and only wanted him to do one thing for me.

I asked him to pay it forward to someone else in need when he was finally back on his feet financially.

               It's a simple concept that could literally change the world, if  only we all lived by it.

Here's the even better part...

It made me feel good to be able and do this small thing for someone who truly needed a big helping hand and am more than positive will go full circle and bless my own life even more.

With all the bad in this world (and there is more than a lot) if each and every one of us did just one nice thing for another human being, the world would surely be a more loving place and in return would all receive much more than initially given.

It's the win/win theory I try my best to live by and one I taught all three of my own children.

The change begins with you.

When our life hit the financial skids about six or seven years ago, people rallied to our support in a constant stream of charity, love and prayers. I can literally count well over a hundred people who gave us everything we needed to survive and eventually thrive again. It wouldn't be right for me not to do the same for others when I have the chance.

I worry and sincerely fret about the hate people have for others these days. Opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one. Who am I to hate them for simply having a different looking one?

My way of thinking may not be the exact right way but is the one  I have chosen to live with and by.

We'll all find out whether we're right or wrong one day, when we meet our own chosen Maker.

Until that time we simply need to coexist, live and let live, support instead of bash and be kind to one another.

One day you may find your own self in need of a helping hand. Live your life as a person others will always feel like extending a hand to.

Just saying...


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