Tuesday, October 24, 2017

It Doesn't Take A Rocket Scientist

The political division in this country is absolutely appalling. What amazes me even more is how people, claiming to be Christians spew venom and hate towards others simply because they don't agree with them.

That's not being a Christian.

Although I am a registered Democrat, have never let that stop me for voting for a Republican. I vote for a person not a party and have done such in numerous elections over the years. My husband has been a Republican for as long as I have known him but during this last presidential election declared himself an Independent, just like our daughter did.

Did I vote for Trump?
Certainly not.

Did I want him to succeed?
I certainly did, for the good of this (my) country.

I was extremely disappointed with the outcome of the election but was what it was and there was nothing I could do about it, other than hope for the best.

What idiot wants their own President to fail?

Here's another problem I have with all this division. For eight years Barrack Obama was portrayed as a Muslim, considered by many (including Trump) to not even be a US citizen and was the butt of too many hateful jokes and caricatures, along with his wife and two daughters; mostly for and about being black.

Did the man have his faults?
Who doesn't?

But now that we have a Republican president, there is a tremendous outcry from the right to "Stop the bashing" of the currently elected president.

Okay, tit for tat. I get that...

But when a president behaves like a middle school bully with his Twitter account, it's hard to consider him to being very Presidential.

Of course that's just my opinion so have never publicly lashed out on social media about his antics.

Actions speak louder than words and in my opinion are the mans' own worst enemy.

My own mother acted more presidential when she was the PTA president of my elementary school.

Of course the Democrats have a few dummies as well, I simply just tend to agree with them more than I do the dummies on the other side of the aisle.

Here's something to ponder...

In essence (and actuality) we have too many Dummies with power running our political system and  only dividing this nation even further.

What's the point of having a Republican party and Democratic party if all we are going to do is point fingers at each other and place blame?

I'm more of the mindset than we all need to be Independents.

I'm also of the mindset that to hate a person for their religion, sexuality or ethnicity is abominable. To not want and help the less fortunate is pathetic at best.

On Facebook one night, a girl (now woman) I went to school with commented on some hateful thread and said all liberals made her sick, shouldn't be tolerated and would never want to be in the same room with one.

I commented back that I considered myself as pretty liberal so did that include me?

This woman, who used to click like after like after like on my comments and even on my blog, wrote this back to me;

"If the shoe fits."

In all my years of using social media, have only unfriended or blocked two other people out of the 967 friends I had, one for homophobic remarks and another for racial slurs.

Guess who became number three?

I don't need friends who think I'm a bad person for having my own opinions. Although I didn't agree with hers, would never think of thinking less of her for having them.

That's not a friend, it's a persecutor.

Seems it was okay to love me so much and comment on what an inspiration I had been to her, until she found out my political views.

That's our problem in a nut shell.

We can't seem to work together for the common good. We feel the need to find fault in anothers' opinion instead of trying and coming up with the solution to bring us all together.

Webster's defines Diverse as "Differing one from another. Made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements."

Variety is defined as "The quality or or condition of being various or varied; diversity."

What's so bad about being diverse or varied?

I am in total agreement that separate political parties are what divide us, and do absolutely nothing to bring us together.

I have many Muslim friends, Jewish friends, Agnostic friends and Catholic friends and even an Atheist or two. I have many gay friends and relatives and friends of every nationality, ethnicity or color. I know people who have a lot of money and people who are broke. I know people who are struggling and I know people who have won their struggles.

They make my life a diverse and a wonderful place to be.

Bottom line...

There are simply and only two different types of human beings on this earth.

Good ones and bad ones.

I think there are a lot more good people in this world than bad, which gives us the upper hand.

Let's use that to our advantage.

Us falling apart only gives them the advantage.


Till next time...COTTON

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