Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why is it SO Hard to Get Some Help?

I have a dear friend, a great person in my life. They suffer from clinical depression. Having known this person for years and years, I realize that it is not a choice that they make but a choice that is made for THEM.

Sometimes when the weight of my current situation comes pounding down into my mind, I feel like staying in bed until the kids come home from school, bounding out of bed when I hear the school bus approach and greeting them with a smile , asking how their day was.
To live with Cinical Depression...you could care less when the bus comes, just let me sleep...it is the only "Peace" I have.

People around you want to say "get over it"..."move on"... "get a grip".

Do you not think if they could, they WOULD?

Depression is an in pending doom to them...it waits at every comment and criticism.

My depression comes from the fact that my family is going through a hard time, theirs comes from the fact that they cannot help it.

This person is currently unemployed...not helping the motivation factor. They are bounced from agency to agency , papers to fill out, records to be obtained. the red tape is enough to make you want to give up completely.

When a person needs help...GIVE them that help and we can discuss details later.

Have we turned into a society that worries more about co pays and compensation than a country that "just wants to help their fellow man"?

I have suffered depression in the past few months, have lost ten pounds that I couldn't afford to lose...but I have the mental and emotional strength to see it through. I can gain my weight back, my husband can get another job.

People dealing with depression do not have this choice. I am sure if they could...they would snap back like I intend to.

Do not criticize, but be supportive..but for the grace of God you have been spared.

It is nothing less or more than having Diabetes..it is an illness and it needs to be taken care of.

If you don't take care of it...it may take "YOU".

It is certainly nothing to be ashamed of...I am a 49 year old woman going to the outside drive through at a bank because I can't seem to balance my own check book and feel that if I am further away from the bank..they won't "REALLY" see my balance.

Let this new administration address these issues and help the people that need to be helped.

Let's worry and care for "US"...and if not that, make it easier for them to get help so that they can feel as normal as the rest of us idiots..I think they would be okay with that feeling and how much of a sacrifice can that possibly be?

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