Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Girl who "Text" Wolf

I have a twelve year old daughter. She is the only other female in my house besides me.. except for the one Boxer female. It is tough living with males, but we seem to survive. Probably because we enjoy bossing the men around so much. She is my youngest, born eighteen years to the day that my mother died. That was always such a horrible day to remember, but now it is my daughter's birthday. My mother and God above have turned it into a day that is now sweet to remember. She was born two months premature, and was so quiet for the first 4 years of her life... since then, she hasn't quit talking. She and I are best friends, and I love her dearly. She got a cell phone recently, and immediately began her "texting" career. She is constantly on her phone... a lot of the time to me. I can be at work or the grocery store, or in the shower, and hear that little "beep" and know that Massey has something important to tell me. Usually, it is "can U get Dr. Pepper on the way home?" or "I have a headache, can U Check me out of school?" Sometimes I will text her back and say "get off your phone, and do your schoolwork!!" Then she will respond immediately " I am in the restroom." I will text back and say "DO NOT TEXT ME AGAIN" all capitals to let her know I mean it. Then she rapidly responds "OK" I will type back, "do NOT text me again." Thinking she will get the message. And then I hear the beep....check my phone, and she has replied yet again "Yes Mam" Sometimes, it is "what is for dinner?" or "can I go home with Breanna" ? It amazes me , this new world of "text"nology. How did my mother raise three kids without a cell phone? Granted, sometimes it is a message that I need to hear, but more often,it is a message that just because she has finished her schoolwork, and has been lucky enough to slip off to the bathroom... she feels the need to text me her thoughts.... immediately. I will have to hand it to her though.. she IS my link to all of this new technology. She set up my blog page for me, designed the font, colored the print, and made it "prettyful" That is a big word with her.. kinda like her use of the word "pimpilious" or "smartiful" ( I don't know how crazy I am about that those two) But she is a truly sweet girl, with a heart as big as the Pacific Ocean. She still loves her Mama, and that is a BIG kudo for me. She helps me constantly with my computer, cell phone, and trouble with the DVR. Where and how did these kids get SO smart and savvy with all of this technology? And still they can't seem to unload a dishwasher , or bring their dirty clothes down to the laundry room? But I ALWAYS check my texts from her.. although most every one of them is just "chatting" . At least I know that if she EVER does truly need me.. I am just a "beep" away. I guess by the time she has kids, they will just jump into their space car, and zip over to their Mom's galaxy , or Blink themselves over like on "I Dream of Jeannie" . The future is a scary place for me, but at least still having young kids; I feel a little more in touch... At least I have a twelve year old daughter that still talks to me, hugs and kisses me goodnight and doesn't mind being seen with me in public.... I must be doing something right . Till next time Cotton

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