Sunday, September 8, 2024

We Need To Fight For Our Rights


I'm not stupid, although I may be a little cray cray (in the good way) but am also smart enough to know most every single politician is in someone's pocket and that the pocket is so deep that it dictates everything they are pushing for or against. And that is sad, for both Dems and Repubs.

What's the harm in giving my gender a shot? To me it certainly beats electing a convicted felon and misogynist. And talk about pockets...his run deep and rich, overseas and often come with unpaid debts.

Unless we can get Jimmy Carter into  a time machine and do the whole Cocoon thing, I'm thinking let's give a woman a shot. Make fun of her all you want, but she's no dummy. Do you really think you rise to attorney general, senator and vice president by being an easy lay? Bet no one would say that about a man moving up through the political system.

Do you really think a woman can't run this country and lead us to a better place?

Think again. We can, she can and hopefully she will.

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