Saturday, March 27, 2021

...And Just Like That


This is (was) where my son, Zachary lived in Newnan, Georgia. The above photo was taken Friday morning.

This photo is how it looked less than twenty four hours before.

And just like that, everything was gone in the matter of a few seemingly long seconds, but most probably less than sixty, still feeling more like a lifetime to them all.

My emotions have run the gamut... from terrified, to grateful, to thankful. 

He doesn't call me all that often here in Orlando, so when he called on a random night, I knew it was something. Mommas just know.


He immediately said "Mom, everything's gone. Every thing."

He had just gotten out of the walk in cooler in a local bar around the corner from the  restaurant, where they made everyone go once the tornado sirens started. He immediately checked on the restaurant and then called home to his room mates, half a mile away.

His room mates were fumbling in total darkness trying to get out of the house, with gaping holes everywhere, the roof and the walls, with rain pouring down and in, and two dogs to boot. Once outside, still in complete darkness, they were lost in a sea of downed trees and live powerlines.

Basic nightmare times ten.

They all survived, without a scratch.

The house was basically demolished, outside walls still up but all innards toast.

My Boy was homeless in less than two minutes...and I was four hundred forty four miles away.

 The response was immediate and instant...not to mention right on time.

So he's couch surfing... for now. Seems there are a lot of couches around Newnan, just waiting to be slept on.

How awesome is that? 

My hat goes off to Newnan for taking care of their own...and MY own.

If there's one thing I have learned in life and know to be all so true, it's this...

Never assume, and never dismiss that gnawing feeling.

It's there for a reason.

A grateful Momma and a lucky member of the human race.

Let's win this race together.

Till next tine...COTTON

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