Monday, October 5, 2020

The Sweet Exodus


I simply couldn't take it anymore.
It wasn't good for me emotionally or mentally.
Social networking (which I was just starting to get the hang of) was beginning to drain me, when the upcoming presidential election finally pushed me over the edge.
Then COVID-19 hit.
And don't get me started about politics vs. science.
How uninformed and undereducated are we?
I've never witnessed more hatred or misguided venom in this country since the civil rights movement.
It boggles my mind, and hurts my soul.

I've started leaving my cell phone in the letter rack on the breakfast room wall and checking it only one or two times a day for a possibly important missed call. I also keep it on silent now, all the time.
My iPad now stays on the book shelf alongside my cook books. I only use it to stream my favorite radio stations (Cocoa 98.5thebeach and Key West 101.7pirateradio) through my Bose speaker when I'm pulling weeds in the yard for hours on end.
Best therapy ever.

Our new/old home is our mecca and mantra.

It screams peace and positivity

Each and every day.

Everywhere you look and as far as you can see.

We worked hard to get here and worked hard to make it our utopia.

It's our safe place...and an awesome reward in the homestretch of our life together.
 We don't deserve all the blessings we've received, but intend on paying forward as many as we can.
That's what being a good person is all about, and hope we end up doing okay in that department.

It's a really important department in Life.

We've come a long way get where we've got to today.

Then the other shoe dropped.

Our president tested positive for COVID, and I knew I wasn't long for the cyber social networking world.

It's not that hard to do.
I've been wearing one since mid March and I'm a sixty year old nobody.

It's the PRESIDENT,  our President, and leader of the free world, yet he made fun of people wearing masks, time and time and time again, month after month; usually while surrounded by thousands cheering him on, shoulder to shoulder, face to face, inch from inch away from each other and mostly unmasked themselves, although they remembered to wear their MAGA hat.

Now he's saying to NOT be afraid of COVID?

Talk about too much too little too late.

I can't.
Not anymore.

I don't (and will not) support ignoring SCIENCE and instead rely on POLITICS... or  any politician, especially when it comes down to my own well being... not to mention the entire global population.
I may be stupid, but I'm not that stupid.

So I checked out.

 I may scroll through FB and repost dogs who need to be rescued. Besides that I'm done.

Ironically enough, it turned out to be a gloomy weekend here. Lower temps but the sun never peeked out...not even once.

Kind of a bummer when you live in a usually sunny Orlando.
 Tim's been working long hours because we're going on vacation next Saturday. He comes home from work well after six, watch the Braves on TV if he can, and eats whatever I feed him (he's SO unpicky) before he tumbles off to bed by eight o'clock. He's been getting up around four AM for work a lot of the time lately.

He even left before five the other morning, and I woke up when he did. It's not like I'm punching any kind of time clock anyway.

He left, I put on a load of clothes to wash, and I got out the Firestick my daughter gave us for our bedroom... Christmas last year. Lounging in our king size, dual mattress adjustable tempurpedic bed (our first score from his new job discount several years ago) I locked onto a three day binge like a crack addict.
It was awesome.

The series on CBS, is "Mom."

Massey had me hooked up on (her) HULU with season one, episode one. In less than forty eight hours I watched the entire seven seasons, from 2013 to the latest ones from early this year.

William Fitchner

Hands down coolest guy in a wheel chair, ever...
and really isn't even handicapped...makes Ironside look like a nerd He deserves an Emmy for his poignant portrayal.

And Allison Janney?

I can't even begin to tell you how awesome she is in this show.

The series begins with the sometimes awful brutality of life, and follows ten people or so, on an almost eight year journey, one of which began in the late fifties and early sixties.

That's MY timeline!

Anna Faris is spot on and cute as a button.

I have no desire to go back to CNN or any other news FB or anything else social network related. It's poison, pure and simple...and lucky for me, I don't need it. 
Emotional, mental and virtual high five to all realtors and salesmen in general. I salute you, and don't know how you do it. Society has turned you into politicians.

 I seemingly may have wasted two days (cloudy and drizzly outside anyway) binge watching "Mom"  but was the best way to spend some much needed down time. I watched, laughed at, teared up and witnessed what it means to walk the walk and talk the talk (aka) "be a good person."

 Tim even came back into the bedroom Sunday morning(maybe early afternoon) after working out on the lanai for several hours on his lap top for work. He asked me if I was still smoking the "Mom" crack pipe?

I was.
I only had two episodes left.

Hands down best way to spend a cloudy, lazy weekend, and a highly recommended show to watch.
A show that covers everything, and means something.

And my exodus from social media continues .

Till next time...COTTON

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