Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The New World Order?

 I would have never,  ever imagined when I was a little kid (1960's) that a virus could/would shut down any country... especially this one.
The most powerful nation in the world.

Guess what?
I was wrong.

All of the sudden people who originally called it a hoax, manufactured manipulation and political fear mongering, are sitting in the same boat alongside others, from across the aisle, who have been worried for more than a couple of months.

The boat just got a lot smaller.

Now is the time to stop politics, finger pointing and character assassination.

Let's worry about listening to doctors, mathematicians and scientists more than politicians.

We've known about this for over three months...
and shit just got real??

I'm out of work as of yesterday. 
They  will reevaluate next week.

I'll probably be out of work for at the very least one month, and that's a best case scenario.

Servers don't work paycheck to paycheck, they work shift to shift.

Oh we save money in jars , drawers or secret spots for that emergency fund, which is usually a quick vacay or bond money (when you're young). 

It's hard to save money as a server unless you are extremely disciplined...
which I am NOT.

If this pandemic happened ten years ago, Tim and I would have been hands down out of luck. We talked about it last night.
We would have lost our home in Newnan, for sure.

We were both suddenly unemployed, drained our 401k, then our savings...and finally made it on a wing and a prayer.

In other words, we were blessed by many.

And still are.

This is time for every person to practice diligence, listen to what they are asked to do...and do it.

I work with mostly kids in their late teens or early twenties.
It's kinda a joke to most of them.
They think it is all over hyped.

They're mad because the restaurant closed with little, basically no notice... obviously not realizing  the  gravity or severity of the situation at hand.

It's not the time to have hurricane parties.
This stuff is serious. Ask anyone in Italy, China or Korea.

Shelter at home. 

Yeah, we'll miss a few paychecks and have to do some creative financing for a bit.

Seems to me a small price to pay in order to stay alive.

It's time to pull together instead of apart.

It ain't rocket science.

Till next time...COTTON

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