Monday, March 26, 2018

You're Killing Me Smalls

I just don't get people sometimes. Number one, it kills me when someone constantly gripes about their job...the entire shift...every shift. It's not like you're being forced to work there. If you hate your job, get another one, but don't make everyone else miserable, having to listen to your moaning and groaning the entire time. For Pete's sake, it's called  "work" for a reason.

It's like when servers complain about not making money after they have had two tables. My rule of thumb is to wait until the end...the very end of a shift, and then complain if your shift sucked wind.

Case in point:

A couple of weeks ago I had a lackluster shift. I was a closer...everyone else was cut but me. Only three more tables came in but two of the tables each tipped me thirty dollars and the third one tipped me twenty.

BAM... eighty bucks right in the ole pocket!

The older I get, the more 'You're killing me Smalls' moments I tend to observe on an almost daily basis.

This past weekend was one of those moments.

Hundreds of thousands of teen agers across the country stood up together against gun violence.

They almost immediately became the target of social media bashing, photo shopping and many of their statements were taken out of context and used against them.

How sad is that?

I wonder how many of those bashers actually lost a child or loved one during those six minutes and twenty seconds on February fourteenth at MSD high school? I'd venture to guess none.

I, for one, was proud to see youth stand up and demand to be heard after suffering and witnessing a horrific killing spree in the halls they walk every week day of the school year.

When I was in high school, our biggest worries were winning the football games on Friday night or  getting caught rolling peoples yards with toilet paper on Saturday night.

Todays' kids have to worry about someone walking into their school with an assault weapon, and being indiscriminately picked off and killed by the spray of a high capacity magazine of bullets.

So these kids, some not even old enough to drive a car or even vote, did what they could do. They demanded to be heard and made their voices count even if their votes can't count...yet.

I could never imagine having to see seventeen of my friends and teachers at the high school I attended being killed right in front of my eyes. That's a pretty heavy load for any teen ager to bear.

Heck, that's a pretty heavy load for anyone to bear.

Yet as the adults...the ones who can vote (although almost 49% choose not to) are going to speak negatively about, and shake our heads at these kids, who are asking the adults and elected politicians to fix this problem before it happens again?

Once again...

I am embarrassed to say how many people I actually know who have bashed these kids outright on the Facebook Nation. Thank goodness I don't Tweet or Snapchat or Instagram.  I think my head would explode off my tiny shoulders. Every single one of them should be ashamed of their self. They are comparing these children to Hitler, calling them Communists.

I'm calling them what they really are... concerned children who will one day be in charge. Their speeches were eloquent and intelligent.

Not to mention I was also pretty under impressed by our own President not even responding to (or about) the fact that over half a million people stood together asking for change.

My father never owned a gun. My husband has never owned a gun, nor have I, but that's just us. We've never been interesting in hunting or ever been hunting, and luckily have never needed one for protection.

I have no problem with responsible, law abiding citizens wanting or owning a gun, after a proper background check.

The problem I do have is someone being able to have and use an assault weapon capable of firing at the enemy during war times.

                                     This is more than obviously a weapon meant for killing.

The only people who should have access to these deadly weapons are the military or law enforcement.

Keep your guns, if you are entitled to own and want one, but please let's be realistic and get these weapons meant for combat situations off the streets and more importantly out of the hands of people intending to kill as many people as they can in the matter of a few minutes or even seconds. How many more tragedies have to happen until politicians realize this?

And most importantly, don't verbally spit on these children or their agenda. At least they have one.

So we gripe about millennial generation being lazy and feeling entitled yet once they take an interest in political issues and a stand for their own well being and the rest of us as well, we spit on them.

Trust me, these kids are woke now...and going to be a force to be reckoned with once they step into that polling booth for the very first time.

And "No" that wasn't a Nazi salute. For Pete's sake, who doesn't know it is a sign of power?

I went to a high school that was split fifty fifty down the racial line between blacks and whites. Do you know how many fists I saw drawn on notebooks and book covers or the back of lockers?

A lot...and am pretty sure they had absolutely nothing to do with Hitler.

I am proud of these kids while at the same time absolutely horrified of what they have had to go through and lose to be heard.

Anyone who knows or has worked with me in the past ten years know what I'm going to say next...

"I hear ya!!"

And I do.

Till next time,


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