Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Finally Feeling Better...After Getting My Diagnosis

I feel much better today...actually almost 100%. Getting sick during a double shift, limping my way through it and turning around and working another double the next day impeded my recovery. Only worked one shift on Tuesday and felt better. Today I worked another double and although I am tired I feel MUCH better. Lunch was busy enough that I made some $$ to throw into the automated machine  at Verizon (they must be really hurting for money because they are constantly calling me for some!)  My account is constantly behind (matching all my OTHER accounts) but I have discovered it you made good faith payments, albeit small ones you can generally keep things going.

My motto is "Keep on keeping on" and it has worked pretty good so far. A few stumbles a few NSF charges (Oops my bad) but we are making strides daily and weekly.  If the power is scheduled to be cut off I would rather bounce a check and pay the ridiculous $32 NFS charge than have the power cut off and have to pay a $75 re connection fee. Am I a bargain hunter or WHAT?

Got a couple of gripes...well, I gotta bunch but I'll pick out a few that really bug me.
Do people on Facebook really know what 'being a friend' means? Something happens and suddenly you find yourself deleted for stupid childish reasons. These people should start their own social network...Babyfacebook.

I had one friend on FB who  wasn't really a FRIEND  but we grew up in the same church together and my husband grew up next door to him (so Tim WAS friends with him.) Tim isn't on FB, he's barely on our email. The internet or social network just isn't his thing ... besides he has a big mouthed wife who does all his talking (and sometimes thinking when I can sneak it past) for him.
If the theory "Opposites Attract" is correct Tim and I are a match made in Heaven.

Anyhoo...I posted a picture from a relative of mine. I have many Gay friends and relatives. In my mind... to hate a Gay person is to hate a person with Dyslexia, Autism, Diabetes, MS , Alzheimer's , people with freckles or green eyes, Muslims or Catholics and the  hundreds of  other facets  that make up the Human Race.

 I learned very quickly  he had turned into someone that was in desperate need of remembering "The Golden Rule."
He covered my wall with profanity and protests so strong that I almost wrote back "Me thinks the redneck doth protest too much."
Jeez..if he is straight  and single (which he is) he should champion the  gay movement...the gay men aren't after what HE is...he should send them a Thank You note for improving his odds.

Number two on my gripe list:
It's another 'friends' thing on FB.

I haven't put it out here... but my younger son got in some trouble a couple of months back. I wasn't happy about it and I'm sure he wasn't  but  I would rather him make stupid mistakes now as a teen than when he was married and had a family of his own. At least now HE still has parents to help. I lost my Momma when I was seventeen and my Diddy a few years back.
I had many people tell me  what to do... and how I was doing it wrong. Most of them don't have children or a clue as to how much you love a child and how far you will go to help them.
I do.

I did some stupid things when I was a kid. I did some stupid things when I was  teen and even stupider stuff in my twenties. My parents still (as a kid)  bailed me out time and time again.When I cut the neighbor's prize rose bush or ran into Mr. Golden's yard to chase a kickball in his "Perfect" backyard (He was an ole Coot) or went to "The Blue House" around the corner...or even the Sheat's garden across the street. All forbidden places and neighbors... my parents backed me up. My Momma died when I was seventeen and my Diddy was left to love and help me stumble through my twenties . I came out roaring and wise in my thirties. In my opinion the best way to go!

Once my MY son got into trouble ... and it was a spectacle for the entire neighborhood  to see, my neighbors began deleting Massey on FB one by one. I call them neighbors because they live on our street but will never call  them friends again. It upset Massey a lot... and I am sure it did, she is a  sixteen year old girl...They are grown women and supposed Christians (reality check much needed!!)

Myself... I didn't notice they had deleted ME until she mentioned it and I checked my own  friends list.  YEP,  I was gone too!

SO what? Do you  think THEIR kids will never make bad choices or mistakes? Will THEIR life be perfect or without ups and downs? Not unless their last name is Kardashian and I haven't seen THAT name on a mail box on my street.

You know,  when they drive past me every day on our street they are the ones I ALWAYS smile and wave at. Whether they wave back doesn't matter. They sure don't mind me picking up trash and cutting the front of THEIR subdivision...I've never seen one of THEM on a John Deere. If they start turning their heads when we pass I will start honking my horn to catch  their attention and give a vigorous wave and a huge smile.

Kill em with kindness and wait for Karma to roll its way back around.
At least my kids screw up early and get it out of the way.

Just my opinion...just my family...just MY life. I wouldn't trade it for theirs or anyone's.

Just sayin'

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