Sunday, February 15, 2009

DANG...I'm OLD!!

Went into work at 10:30 this morning and got off at 9:00 tonight.

I love the people that I work for ..and love SOME of the people that I work WITH.

What amazes me is that at the ripe ole age of ALMOST fifty...I continue and constantly work circles around my co workers..most being 25 or younger.

Oh they complain, they gripe..they leave dirty dishes on the ledges (they are ten feet from the dish area where they are supposed to put them).

They leave computer printers out of tape when there is a roll sitting RIGHT next to the terminal.
It is almost like working with my kids...but you know what?

They aren't my kids , my back went out today and I got pretty sick and tired of cleaning up behind them, finishing jobs that they should have and in the same breath...doing my own job as well.

I started waging my own personal war.
I wouldn't pick up the dishes...but would write a note..."Take your dishes to the dish pit".

I would leave another note..."Don't leave dirty glasses on the ledges".

I would actually call people out by name when I saw them doing things that not only I knew ...but THEY knew were wrong.

By the end of my shift I had many enemies...but For Pete's Sake...Do your stinkin job!!

I told my husband last night that I was twice the age of most people that I work with..yet I work circles beyond circles around them.

He remarked that they do it because I LET them. They KNOW that I will do the job, just to keep things running.

He is EXACTLY right...I am an ENABLER...I make their job easier and help them make money because I am committed to my standards as a server.

But approaching fifty...the tide is about to turn.

Clean up your OWN your OWN your OWN job.

HEY!! We are all making money here, let's all contribute equally.

If you don't..I'll be dead in a month and THEN who will do all your work?
Just had to vent...not that it will change anything...but a steaming hot bath and a heating pad will!

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