Wednesday, October 23, 2024

We Need To Go Back To Old School


And yes I still have one of these desks. Complete with the pencil/or pen holder carved into the top of the desk and the hole on the side for an ink well. One desk butted up to the next. Your desk provided the seat fold down in front for the next student who sat behind someone else. I'm not sure where my mother got the desks, but at one point me and both my sibs had one as a night stand in our childhood bedroom.

Those big iron legs, which kind of remind me of the legs on the old sewing machines you pumped with your feet. Our neighbor had one when we were growing up.

It's like this. It may be 2024, almost 2025, but I was born in 1960 and my memories of those times are a lot more cheerful and a whole lot simpler.

People NEVER discussed or talked politics, or religion back then. They only expressed their political opinions behind the polling curtain...and yes they used to have a curtain to pull shut behind you.

We're down to crunch time, and thank goodness we are. I can't take much more of this insanity. What used to be political issues turned into moral issues for me, and it was all downhill from there.  Yes all politicians have an agenda. What do you expect with all the millions put into their war chest from the upper class Billionaire conglomerates who control everything from banking to groceries to technology and oil? They are literally holding this country hostage while they laugh all the way to the bank. And I mean Democrats as well as Republicans. It's a swamp, it is wide and it is what is dividing this nation.

What is wrong with us now? 

When I was a kid growing up in the 1960's, families, friends and acquaintances from both sides of the aisle all got along and politics were never ever an issue, nor was it ever brought up in conversation.

I also grew up during the civil rights movement, into and through the Vietnam war and in the seventies a  whole lot of Watergate, a massive energy crisis and eventually a hostage crisis. All of that going on but we all seemed to still get along and no fingers were pointed or accusations made at each other. I will say that's when politics got snarky. Then they bashed Jimmy Carter. Really? Did they hate him because he was a peanut farmer or because he was a Christian?

Where did our camaraderie as a nation go and why did it leave?

I have my own thoughts about that, we all do, but take a moment before you make or share that post. Vet those facts. Do some due diligence, research, I hate to say fact check because the minions have made it an eye rolling word in my book but be intelligent, be educated and be aware of social media and all the fake crap it puts out as truth.

It's not necessarily true if it's posted or shared on Facebook, and more importantly...most probably isn't.

Don't be a part of the problem. Let's seek a solution together.

Till next time...COTTON

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