Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Always Find The Silver Lining

It's certainly not like I've had a bad life...I haven't.
But I have had life sling some serious dooky my way, more than once... or even twice.

In hindsight they were all (each and every one) lessons I needed to learn and not only go through, but grow through.

I want to think I'm a good person, but when I stop and take a look around me, especially these past few months, I can't possibly be doing enough to even consider myself a good person.
What I am doing instead, is simply surviving.

And that's not nearly enough.
I was raised better than that.

Finis Coronat Opus
"The end crowns the work: the goal gives value to the labor that produced it."

Shout out to every single person I know, or don't know.
If your path crosses mine, what kind of person would I be to not extend a hand?
If I fall short of your expectations as a friend, and as humans we often do...
know the two people pictured above, are shaking their heads at me from  upstairs, while enjoying their much deserved  BIG DANCE and constantly reminding me I can be a better person.
And I will be.
It takes practice.

If problems outnumber your blessings, you need to count them again.
but if they seem to... after counting again, I'm down to help.

Till next time...Cotton

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