Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February Already?

You gotta be kidding the rate time is passing, the below will my profile picture by March.

We have now been living in the Sunshine State for almost a year and a half. Our youngest has graduated from college. We are moving in the matter of a few short months into our permanent home and unpacking for the final time.

My attitude has taken a 180 degree turn since first moving here and am forging ahead once again. Living in our 'tiny' rental house has been okay but sure ready to spread out a little and work in the yards again. Luckily the spot on the circle where we live is nicely kept up by most occupants. I've learned to always leave and come from one direction in my car so I don't have to pass all the ridiculousness of people who drive me nuts. (I know, short drive)

The car lot two doors down (all these cars belong to one household of three people)

 has finally been downsized and cleaned up a bit after more than a few calls to code enforcement from neighbors.

Yeah...I'm that neighbor, but the old man across the street from us called as well. It was totally ridiculous.

They are down to four (different) cars now, but still blocking the sidewalk. Guess I'll call again.

I'm not the neatest person in the world but have always taken pride in my yard and the outside appearance; even in our rental house.

At least we don't live across the street from these people around the curve.

If you can afford all this and a twenty five foot boat on the other side of the RV you can certainly afford to put your toys in a storage space.

Does all this clutter not bother anyone but me and my old man friend across the street? Surely not.

I'll be gone in a few short months and pretty sure with a good riddance wave goodbye from my hoarder neighbors.

On to my next soapbox.  

Massey got home from work the other night about ten minutes after I did. She told me she had contacted her advisor at the university to see when her diploma was going to be mailed.

Get a load of  this!

She was told a professor she had taken an online class from, her last semester, had been terminated by the university and deleted all records of the students who she had taught, including all projects, assignments given, test scores and final grades posted. She was told in order to receive her diploma, would have to take (and pay for) one more class to meet the credits requirements for her diploma since there was no record of her having taken the course.

She wrote back saying she wasn't in a financial position to take another class. Then like the good guys they are (not) said they would waive her tuition for the additional class.

I told her "Absolutely not."

I told her we had all driven back to Georgia, witnessed her walk across that stage in a cap and gown, have her hand shaken by a university official and handed a temporary fake paper diploma.

Massey was devastated to say the least. She then told me she wanted to just take the two hour class and be done with it.

I once again said "Absolutely not."

For validation in my decision, called my sister and then my  brother. My brother was the sole person responsible for her being able to secure every loan she had taken out,when necessary, for her college education.

He agreed with me, whole hearted and then some! He suggested contacting her advisor again saying  the university had three days to figure it all out on their end. My sister totally agreed. After three days, we would be contacting CNN and the local news, not to mention our attorney.

It took me some convincing...Massey knows how us Leach kids are. We hang onto a grudge or a fight. She's a lot nicer than us when threatened.

After a two day battle with her, I convinced her to contact the university once again, throwing in contacting the Board of Regents as well. She didn't want to do it but told her if she didn't, I would.

This not only affected Massey but the other thirty two students who had taken the same class.

She finally agreed, begrudgingly.

The very next day, she was contacted by the Dean who immediately said there would be no need to contact our attorney and her diploma would be put in the mail shortly.

She called Tim and me who were at home, from her work, talking so excitedly and relaying the good news to us.

I sure hope all the other thirty plus students had the good sense or a support system, encouraging them to do the same.

It's not like she attended Hooterville University or Bug Tussle College. This was a major university.

I let a lot of things and comments slide and can sometimes look the other way, usually so they can't see me rolling my eyes. When you mess with my kid though, and my kid is right... you done kicked the hornet nest.

Mommas' don't play.

As Granny Clampett once said "I may be little but I can whoop you, any day."

We make it hard enough in this country for kids to even get a college education, when in my opinion all people should be given the option if they desire and want to work for one.
                                           Trump University excluded...(small pun, huge truth)

                                                            Guess who got her degree?!

Fight for what you believe in. Fight for what you know is right. Fight for the honest, against the crooked, who try and vilify their selfish reasoning...whether on one side of the proverbial aisle or the other.

There should be no aisle to be on either side of... we're all in it together; this walk called life.

There is the right path or the wrong path.

Choose yours and choose wisely.

Till next time...COTTON 

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