Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Life's Good

Some people describe me as a bit crazy and I resemble that remark! Woke up early today and got more done before noon than I have in a week. Freaking Georgia weather has turned again. It was in the seventies this past Sunday. Tonight's low is twenty three. I got lucky this week and have two days off in a row. Another server called me around one wanting to know if I would work for them? That'd be a negative, Ghost Rider!

I took TJ to work at ten and headed to Walmart. I wish their groceries weren't so cheap, but they are and so am I. It wasn't too bad today. I would have gone Krogering but needed a filter for my furnace, weather stripping and a couple of other household items. One thing you can say about ole Walmart, it's one stop shopping.

For the first time in months all the laundry is caught up, folded and put away. Zach keeps his room neat, he's freakish about it and is one of the things I love most about him. The other two Lost Boys, not so much so I just keep their bedroom doors closed.

Tonight's task is dusting, a chore I absolutely abhor. Amazing how much easier it is to endure when you enjoy a lovely adult beverage while you do. I can't just dust, I have to carry a bottle of Murphy's Oil Soap around with me to get down to the actual furniture. I detest doing it but sure looks better when it's done. Too bad I have three big dogs who feel the need to shake their coat like crazy every single time they get up to move from one spot in the house to the next...and don't even get me started on the slobbering faces.

My new best friend (until I take Johnny Dear out of hibernation) is the Mr. Clean magic eraser. I'm here to tell you, they ARE magic!

Thanks to my sweet sister who totally redid my kitchen,  inspiring me to attempt to get the rest of my house in order as well and not to brag, but recently updated my Facebook status: "My house is so clean it smells like we only have ONE dog."

Put a giant roast with potatoes, onions, carrots and celery in the crock pot around noon so dinner's done.

Icing on the cake is I have tomorrow off too. The kitchen is full of groceries and we have plenty of dog food. That's all we need for me to not have to leave the house until work on Friday.

Classic Cotton story: I came home from work day before yesterday and walked into the kitchen. The blinds from my back door were in a broken shambles on the table. The plastic frame which made it look like our back door had individual panes was broken into a million pieces from the middle down and all over the floor. One of the Lost Boys came home and asked him what the heck happened? He said he took Ziggy out back to play with and left Charlie the bulldog in the house. He heard Charlie whining at the back door (Chally2Phat doesn't like being left out) and came back inside. Charlie had destroyed the blinds and chewed off the plastic frame trying to get outside. For Pete's sake, does it ever stop? I cleaned up the mess and headed to Lowes with one piece of the frame after measuring the door.

Whadaya know...they don't sell just the plastic frame but can order one. I asked if it was expensive and the Lowe's dude said "Naw!"

I considered $56.00 VERY expensive so just stopped by Walmart and bought another three dollar blind for the door. I went home and tore the rest of the chewed up frame off from the middle down. I lowered the blind to cover the top half still with fake panes and called it a winning solution. These dog's better be glad I am such a pup lover.

Tim's in the running for a wonderful opportunity with a new company and have all our fingers crossed, praying it works out.

Life's good.

Life's what you make it. It can BE bad,  but if it isn't bad every once in a while, how can you tell when it is really good? Needless to say we can tell around here!

Massey has applied to be a camp counselor this summer along with her room mate. There will be some lucky little girls if they hire those two and I have a feeling they will. She's really grown up this past year and couldn't be prouder of her.

Life's good.

For the first time, I've started to realize I'm the momma of three grown ups now. It's a pretty amazing feeling. I guess that nurse at the hospital was right when I went to take my first one home from the hospital after giving birth and told her I was pretty nervous about taking care of a newborn. She patted me on the back and said "Honey, don't worry none...they're HARD to kill." I just shrugged my shoulders and said "Okay then, let's put him in the car seat and take him home."

Life's good. If you wake up on this side of the dirt, call the day a success.

Til next time...COTTON

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