Sunday, September 9, 2012

In A Perfect World

The world isn't perfect. My life isn't perfect but have learned you have to take it all in stride. Take the good with the bad and hope that  the good wins out over the bad.

My blog just reached over 47,000 hits so someone, somewhere is listening or at least reading about my journey.

I am big into Facebook. I have made many new friends, lost a few old ones... been de friended time and time again but like staying connected to something other than my own small world.

The world is large, the universe is tremendous and the thought that earthlings are the only ones here sometimes makes me stop and think of the line in the movie "Contact."

"I guess I'd say if it is just us...seems like an awful waste of space."

Call me crazy, I often am and tend to like the description!

It beats being lazy and lame minded. We live in this huge universe which  is merely a blip  if you look at pictures of the Solar System.

My main concern is life here on our planet.  My ultimate concern is the life of  my family and the worrying concern is life of others less fortunate than me.

Our country...and world has turned into a hate fest. Some hate the Dems, some hate the Repubs, some hate the Muslims, some hate the poor, some hate the rich, some hate the blacks and Latinos, some hate the whites and some hate the gays. We hate the banks, we hate the economy, we hate the system  yet we seem to never run out of hate.

Where is the love?

Where is the positivity?  The positive is what we lack and need the most!

"Come on people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get  together, try to love one another right now."

I thought my family had been through rough times...we haven't.  My family is one of the luckiest ones on earth! People for some crazy reason love me. They love my family, have showered me with love and in return I give thanks to them and  God... That's my own personal belief.

Belief... "The mental act,  condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another."

How can I say some one's belief is wrong  if that is their belief?

Live your life right...roll with the punches, be thankful for love and I am pretty sure it will be alright when the curtain finally comes down.

Webster's defines HATE as "To feel hostility or  animosity toward."

That's a horrible way to spend your time if  you  ask me.

Til next  time..Hoping (but pretty sure I am right) COTTON

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