Friday, August 21, 2009

The "PAR-TAY" for "MASSEY"

Here is the birthday girl on the front porch of her favorite place to be... Aunt Cin's farm house. We went there tonight to have a party since it was the first night I've had off since her birthday. My sister and brother in law bought a 107 year old farm house on six acres. It includes a barn with a hay loft, smoke house, coy pond...huge vegetable garden and tons and tons of flowers and any plant you could possibly imagine. She has peach trees and grape vines, pecan trees and blueberries. It truly is a paradise and my girl LOVES going there. As you can see, I went ahead and knocked out the photo of someone with a lampshade on their head (Thanks for the idea, Harvey.) Next is a picture that Massey took of me peeking through a bouquet of flowers from Cindy's yard (Massey thought it was lame and Cin and I thought it was hilarious.) Next is a picture that will soon be the new screen saver on my computer. How did my girl get so grown up? For Pete's sake, we look like two friends out to lunch somewhere (with me being the MUCH older friend.) The last pic was taken when Cin and I were loading the dishwasher. My husband is standing up and my two sons are hamming it up. My brother in law has his eyes shut, probably praying we would all leave soon! We had a fabulous meal that my sis cooked; pork loin, black beans with rice, white corn on the Cobb, spinach salad and rolls. There is nothing better to me than being with my sister for any celebration or reason. My husband and kids are just as crazy about her and her husband is one lucky man. TJ read the blog I wrote about him with his "Potty" picture while we were there and took it pretty well...especially after he read the 'welcome back home' part! He'll probably show up tomorrow morning with a truck and all his meager worldly possessions waiting to squeeze back into the nest...AGAIN. My nest may become a little more crowded. Guess I need to start gathering more twigs to make it a little bigger.

Til next time...COTTON

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVED these pictures.
Trouble is, I have never met Harvey and unless
he keeps his eyes closed I won't recognize him! :>)
It sounds like it was a great night.