Thursday, August 20, 2009

Okay, NOW Maybe I Owe Him

Okay, now maybe I "DO" owe him. I mean what kid hasn't had a picture like this taken? This was one year on vacation when one of my nephews snuck into the bathroom of the rental house and busted him going #2. I remember as a kid when the "Swinger" Polaroid was all the rage. My sis and bro took the same type of picture of me on the throne. Don't ya just HATE older sibs when you are too young to fight back ? I mean you can try to fight back but they just laugh at you and put their hand onto your forehead to hold you just far enough away that you can't reach them with the swinging strikes you are viciously trying to land. TJ was the oldest in OUR house, but unfortunately he had two cousins that were both older and held their ages over his young head as if they were holding a "WWF" championship belt. As they have grown older they have gotten close, but back then, TJ was "The Baby" and they made the most of their situation. Now TJ wants to come back home...AGAIN. I was firmly against it at first.."Hold Your Ground, Kelly." But as the time gets closer to the end of his lease on his house and he comes by more and more often with that sad "Puppy Dog" face...What's a Mom gonna do? I mean, his dog has already been here for over a month...he thought he would attack me from the point of me being a total "Dog Lover" and sneak on back in after the dog got settled. Dang! I sometimes wish I wasn't such a pushover where my kids are concerned. But after posting this picture, I guess I can let him come on back ONE more time. As my sister often reminds me, "It is what Diddy would have done." My father was always called Diddy...maybe Sean"Puffy" Combs owes us some type of royalty for the use of our father's nickname (I'll have to check into that.) So after much soul searching and feeling least I got him back with this pic. Maybe I will tell him that if it isn't a short stint back home, I will post more of his pictures on my blog...or begin to photo shop a few of my own. God, I love my boy...I just want to love him from a different house. If he needs me though, I will be there. If he needs to feel the love of our house...come feel it. There will be ground rules, there will be stipulations and there will be a time limit. He is a handsome, smart and capable kid...the problem is, he is "MY" kid and I can't ...or won't ...turn my back on one of my children when they need me. Hopefully I won't have to snap another shot of him on the john to get him to move on once again. We'll see!


Lynsey said...

That is to funny Kelly - and kinda makes me glad I'm not trying to move into your house :)

Joannah said...

I wish I had the Waffle House picture right now. With the black olive tooth. You are soooo mean Cotton!

Walter said...

Home is that place, that when you Have to go there, they have to take you in.

-Robert Frost, "Death of the Hired man"

Unknown said...

So much for the "big" talk you did about not letting TJ move back in. We all knew you would. You are too kind hearted not too. He is one more good looking dude. Frances