Thursday, August 6, 2009

Frances May Be Getting Kicked Out of Rehab

NOT DUE TO ME...(I think)

My sis took her to the doc today and they took her off of her wound vac. (Thank the Lord, it was smelling like road kill.)

I'm not saying that the rehab wasn't taking proper care of it..but wasn't it them in charge of disposal and changing?

But wonderful news, the wound has healed to under an inch (from a post card size wound) and she can now cruise to the lobby to get online without her fart bag being attached. I call it that because when it was unplugged from the wall it made a farting sound that for two weeks I thought was Frances unloading gas. The first day I thought it was me...Massey and I had eaten Mexican for lunch and I just thought the bean dip was working.

The doctors have met their match with Frances. She ain't going down without a fight, and has put up a valiant one since her open heart surgery. She is on top of the world every day and never complains, acts tired or tries to be coddled. I am going to see her tomorrow after work and make a video to post, but wanted to give you my great impression of her that I have honed to perfection... can't wait to see what Frances thinks of my own video! She has been a blessing in my life when I truly needed one. She is a joy to see, never asks "Where have you been? "when I miss a day or two...just always seems happy that I have come to see her...and you know what? I am happy to see her almost as much if not more... ENJOY, I hope Frances does. She will be the first person to tell me if she doesn't.

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