Sunday, July 19, 2009 Least it is for me

Just finished my work week...WHEW!

These Sunday shifts just kill me. It wasn't really busy which makes it seem even longer and harder. Lots of goofy customers (at least we had a few laughs behind the scene at our customers expense.) You have to takes the perks where you can get them. Like the man who refused to verbally ask for more coffee. He just jiggled his cup in the air like a Shriner with his bucket at an intersection. The server would lean down with his hands on his knees and ask pointedly "Would you like some more coffee?" If he just waved his cup again, the server would say "Now, it that regular of decaf?" It's like some people just hate having to acknowledge that we are someone they have to actually look at or speak to . So we servers make a point of MAKING them have to look us in the eye or make them respond to questions with words and not head gestures or hand motions. Boy... that is a satisfying feeling. I take my fair amount of grief from people when something goes wrong at a table, but if you want to treat me like a grunt for no apparent reason or humiliate me just for a power trip, be sure NOT to ask for my table. As I have stated many times before... I have my PHD in BS , treat me badly for no reason and you are fighting a losing battle. Sometimes I am so good at it, I have them eating out of my hand before it is over and feeling bad about the way they treated me initially...leave me a really good tip to boot!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some reverse psychology !!

I made three times what the other closing server made...nothing to do with her as a server, I just got lucky and had regulars come in ; Got a couple of other really Phat tips from people you would never think to expect it from.

There was the family of four with parents that had tattoos on every visible part of their exposed body. At least I knew what they would be giving their kids on their seventeenth birthdays...a "sleeve" for both arms ! They were nice though and when they paid they said to keep the change. Their tab was $74.00 and he gave me a Hundred.

You just never know in this business. I like it because it is like a play. You can go to the same play over and over again, but since it's a live performance it will be different each time.

I meet new people, wait on old friends and have made new friends. I have learned to dread certain customers and learned to genuinely love others.
My hours are generally short shifts and I walk out with a paycheck every night I work.

I can put up with a few idiots for that, especially if they are paying my bills. If you didn't meet the really bad people would forget how lucky you actually are .

It's like a job, therapy and acting all tied up with a bow called "Sales and Marketing."

At least I am off tomorrow and can just be a "MOM." That's the role I really like to play.

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