Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Bittersweet Day

Attended the funeral of one of my parent's closest friends today. It was held at my childhood church.

It was more like Homecoming at the church.

People that I haven't seen in over thirty years, friends of my parents, former Sunday School teachers, elders and deacons and people that I went to church camp with in the seventies were all there.

It was a menagerie of my youth, a sweet reminder of how lucky I was when I was a kid...and why I will always consider East Point Christian my home.

Some of the elders and deacons looked exactly the same, leaving me to wonder if they looked old when I was a kid and just never changed.

To sit in the pew of a church that I was in EVERY Sunday morning and Sunday gaze around and see dozens of people who have known me since I was enrolled in the "Cradle Roll" department (I still have my certificate from my first Sunday in church).

Not many kids these days have the chance at a childhood like I experienced, and my heart aches for their loss. To grow up learning morals, values and the importance of living your life the right way, seems to take a backseat these of the great disappointments of having to grow up in this "cyber" world we live in today. Instead of learning "The Lord's Prayer" they are learning how to get to the next level on a video game or how to use "word" on their cell phone.

Instead of heading off on a weekend youth retreat, they are heading off to the mall or the movies.

When I was a kid, teens that didn't attend our church...or ANY church...begged to be able to join us on a weekend youth retreat with our group at Woodland Christian Camp.

We slept in the mess hall before the cabins were built, played "Capture the Flag" in a huge open field at 10:00 at night, built huge fires and sat singing and bonding...with only an occasional "talk" thrown in..but a talk that was on our level and often touched you in a way that was actually a MOVING experience.

We were all from different high schools , but were all on the same team when we were together on a weekend retreat or even sitting in a Sunday School class.

Our former minister's wife was at the funeral today and mentioned that there was no other youth group like ours...we were an eclectic and varied bunch, but shared an experience that I have never had since.

We came together...we were rich , poor or middle class..we were popular in school or not really standouts...we were athletes or wanna be's...we were bullies or easy targets...
but when we were together all the "labels" fell away.

As corny as it may sound...the old song we sang around those campfires phrased it perfectly..."It only takes a spark, to get a fire going...then soon all those around will warm up in it's glowing".

It was bittersweet to say good bye to a dear friend. It was sad to look around that sanctuary and see that I have let myself drift away from some of the most influential and inspirational people that a person could ever have come into their life.

Even though over 30 years have passed...they all still love me...they all still hug me as if I was their own flesh and blood and they always fill my heart, as their arms wrap around me in a hug so tight that it makes 30 years drop away like it is nothing.

This wonderful man that has passed on to his reward, will be met at the Pearly Gates by not only both of my parents, but by half of the people that made my youth and my young adult life a tremendous thing not only to experience but to draw from , reflect on and be eternally grateful for.

I have suffered losses in my life, but the gains I have made from growing up in East Point Christian Church certainly make the losses more understandable and make me realize how lucky I am to have had such a great childhood, youth and send off to adulthood from what I consider "ICONS" and "HEROES" I was so fortunate to meet.

Heaven has one more "Angel" tonight...and I have one more reason to realize what it takes to become one.

Til next time...Cotton

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