Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My 15 Year Old Son is Having "Text"

How can this happen? How can it be? He is on his phone constantly... always with girls. I just pray that they are having "safe" Text. At least he has a social life; and one that luckily requires no picking up or dropping off at the mall or theater. How in the world did we get to this point? When I was 15, it was still notes passed back and forth in school with a "check YES or NO" box at the end. He is basically a good kid, far too smart for his own good, and dragging his feet at showing it in his school work. He is a video game fanatic, one of the things that ADD kids are best at...( My boy is the KING of it). I was in the car with him yesterday, I was driving and attempting to find a contact in my cell phone. I was really just thinking out loud when I said "where is the letter V"? My son immediately said # 8. I turned to him and said "what"? Low and behold the letter "V" was located under the number 8 on the cell phone. How can he fail "ART" in school, but know the corresponding number on a phone for a letter in the alphabet? ... I guess that all fifteen year olds have their priorities. They know how to do things with their phones that I did not even know existed. By the time my youngest graduates from high school, they will probably be transporting their bodies VIA cell phones, and I will NEVER be able to track them down! It is almost scary...this new technology. To think that I thought I was lucky to have "CLACKERS" when I was their age....remember the two glass balls that hung from two strings that you bounced together, eventually going from bottom to top quickly...if you were good enough! For Pete's SAKE...HOW OLD AM I ? and how quickly are my kids growing up? Hopefully, by the time they are all grown, they will still all be safe, healthy and able to do at LEAST SOMETHING on their own without the help of a cellular or computerized device. But at the rate things are progressing... I am not taking any bets on it. I just hope that they don't put me on their "NO CALL" blocking. Now THAT would really hurt!! Till next time... COTTON

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